The Saint Oswald Lodge 910 – 2022 Ladies evening

On Saturday evening, The Saint Oswald Lodge 910 celebrated its 2022 Ladies evening, organised and hosted by Our Worshipful Master Colin Tuson and his good Lady Cathy Tuson. It was a black-tie event celebrated with pomp and show. The Lodge dining room was decorated beautifully. The evening was attended by The Saint Oswald 910 Brethren, their partners, visiting Brethren and guests.

Cathy put on some excellent entertainment, provided by her two daughters and Paul Carr, there were several fund-raising events, delivered with great gusto and entertainment by Wbro’s Mark Blount and  Wayne Harris – The main raffle had an extensive range of prizes and raised £200 for one of our Local charities, The Teddies For Loving Care (TLC) Raffle for a giant Teddy Bear raised £155 and sales of small TLC Bears raised £60 for the TLC charity.

Bro Lewis Blackman gave very emotional toast to all the Ladies, with special mention to Cathy, as the Master’s Lady, which had a tear in most of the Ladies eyes.

The event was a tremendous success and all the Brethren of The Saint Oswald 910 Lodge would like to say thank you to Cathy and the team that put together a great evening.  If you missed out this time and want a great evening, with great company, outstanding entertainment keep an eye out for our next one!

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